RGC Corporate Social Responsibility
- Health
- Provide affordable and quality basic health services through the funding or construction of MCH centres , dispensaries, provide quality and cheap human and VET drugs ;give family planning of antenatal and prenatal care to peasant mothers who cannot afford the cost of those services ; improve quality of life of the local dairy farmers through WASH projects.
- Education
- Empower rural women, girl child, boy child, disabled persons, destitute or street children and the orphan through PETT & TVET programs.
- Create an income generating activities and microfinance projects for vibrant women & youth groups.
- Scholarship for youth from needy or deprived homesteads and those who did well in school or college but couldn’t afford to advance their education due to poverty or even ignorance.
- Sensitization and awareness creation on rural girls’ education.
- Provision of sanitary facilities such as toilets or latrines where they’re absent thus increase girl’s enrolment in some schools.
- Supply and distribution of textbooks, uniforms , other learning kits to disadvantaged children in the rural areas of oromia region.
- Agriculture
- Awareness creation on the significance of commercial value-added dairy farming through local media.
- Formation and restructuring of cooperative societies among already existing micro-dairy companies through pooling their meagre resources together.
- Induction on the importance of modern technology commercial dairy farming venture and the manifold benefits that it accrues.
- Provide the proper infrastructures for commercial dairy farming to flourish through holistic commercial dairy farming investment in Sebeta and other suitable areas around Addisababa.
- Construction , repair & maintenance of existing dairy farming and livestock holding infrastructures such feeder roads , improve accessibility of inaccessible pastoralists; areas , cattle dips, troughs, milk collection points , water pans, shallow wells, pasture , water catchment areas, water tanks , water towers , canals , other water ways among others.
- Provide free fertilizers, highbred seeds, introduce highbred dairy cows then cross-breed them with the local dairy cows in order to boost milk production.
- Train agricultural extension officers at Wareda level then roll out the mobile VET clinics ; a well equipped VET clinic on a moving vehicle thus access the remote ailing dairy farmers at Wareda or Mashinani level.
- Promote agricultural colleges and institutions that upgrade the professional development of the local youth pursuing career in agribusinesses such horticulture , animal husbandry , crop production , farm mechanization , dairy farming , bee, poultry keeping and fish pond farming among others.
- Environment
- Sensitize the locals on the effect of global warming , environmental protection , soil conservation methods , building of gabions to prevent soil erosion or washing away of the top arable or fertile soil.
- Promote, organize and fund Afforestation campaigns, editorial messages; print, radio and television campaigns and skits on its effect through tree planting and nursery tree programs sensitizing local folks on the repercussion of cutting trees for timber; logging through diversification of abundant, neglected, forgotten and forsaken highland resource management.
- Train locals on resilience and rapid response and disaster preparedness amid drought and famine.